

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Assistant Teacher Language in Chaukhamba Junior High School Mansuna, 07 Seniority List
Assistant Teacher Language in Chaukhamba 
Junior High School Mansuna, 07 Seniority List
18/07/2022 15/08/2022 View (3 MB)
Order of transfer/posting of the following clerical personnel as a result of promotion
Order of transfer/posting of the following 
clerical personnel as a result of promotion
12/07/2022 31/07/2022 View (261 KB)
Merit list of the post of headmaster (unreserved) in J.H.S., Thati Digdhar, Rudraprayag

Merit list of the post of headmaster (unreserved) in J.H.S., Thati Digdhar, Rudraprayag

30/05/2022 30/06/2022 View (368 KB)
Merit list of the post of A.T.L.T. Mathematics(unreserved) in J.H.S., Randhar jhakwani Bangar , Rudraprayag

Merit list of the post of A.T.L.T. Mathematics(unreserved) in J.H.S., Randhar jhakwani Bangar , Rudraprayag

01/06/2022 30/06/2022 View (447 KB)
Merit list of the post of headmaster (unreserved) in J.H.S., Thati Digdhar, Rudraprayag

Merit list of the post of headmaster (unreserved) in J.H.S., Thati Digdhar, Rudraprayag

01/06/2022 30/06/2022 View (368 KB)
Merit list of the post of Lecturer Sosulogi in J.I.C.,Devidhar(molkhachori), Rudraprayag

Merit list of the post of Lecturer Sosulogi in J.I.C.,Devidhar(molkhachori), Rudraprayag

01/06/2022 30/06/2022 View (359 KB)
Tender Document for releasing advertisement through video walls stablished at district rudraprayag

Tender Document for releasing advertisement through video walls stablished at district Rudraprayag

17/04/2022 30/04/2022 View (3 MB)
Recruitment Notification For the Post Of Computer Programmer, Deputy Program Officer & Computer Operator

Recruitment Notification For the Post Of Computer Programmer, Deputy Program Officer & Computer Operator

06/04/2022 22/04/2022 View (423 KB)
Tender Notification for parking in Sonprayag and Sitapur on travel route Shri Kedarnath.
Tender Notification for parking in Sonprayag and Sitapur on travel route Shri Kedarnath.
06/04/2022 22/04/2022 View (9 MB)
Corrigendum – Tender Notification For parking in Sonprayag and Sitapur on travel route Shri Kedarnath.

Corrigendum – Tender Notification For parking in Sonprayag and Sitapur on travel route Shri Kedarnath.

11/04/2022 21/04/2022 View (333 KB) Area,Maps, Photographs of Sonprayag & Sitapur Parking Site (361 KB)